The destiny of a Maasai girl is to bring up youngest siblings... There is no time for school. Mostly if you are a girl.


M.A.A. provides schoolfees to 350 children in Kenya, mostly Maasai girls.

Help us to increase their number !

But 80% of the sponsored children are attending school thanks to private donors worldwide.


  • Sponsoring education for young Maasai girls without resources

Through private donations, we support education (equity opportunities) for girls, so they are able to complete at least the primary education level (until 15 years). Sometimes the goal is to start schooling at any age below 15, to avoid illiteracy among women for the rest of their lives. We encourage and support also secondary level education (possible only in boarding schools in Kenya).

  • Support in education in Kenya,

By building school classes in remote villages where the increasing number of children and the poor infrastructure does not allow a child easy access to a school. We offer books, school uniforms, school furniture and so on thanks to private and institutional donations from Switzerland.

  • Emergency protection to young Maasai girls

In emergency cases we rescue Maasai girls, as young as 9 to 12 years, threatened by FGM against their will. We protect them either from mutilation and early forced marriage (which follows the first ceremony). The marriage of child-girls is just an act of “trading children”, an act against Children Rights, but tolerated because of poverty and ignorance.

  • The "one child-one tree" project (2003-2004)

In collaboration with MED Kenya in Narok and the participation of 3 Swiss schools, the « green project » was implemented on 2003-2004. It was composed of an exchange of letters between students in Kenya and Geneva, Switzerland, a fundraising activity done by Swiss students in order to finance seedlings planting in Kenya by Maasai students and finally the opportunity to raise awareness in environmental issues on both sides.

In fact Kenya has only a 3% of the country surface covered by the last forests. This dramatic reduction of green zones is due to intensive grazing, illegal forest extinction done by needy people producing domestic charcoal as an income and finally extended climat dryness the last decade.

  • Tourisme with a heart

What about combining a tourist stay in Kenya for holiday, with 1-2 weeks of volunteer participation in our workshops among traditional Maasai villages in remote areas? You could discover the harsh life conditions of Maasai women and cultivate the solidarity (active interaction) with them. Women who are so different culturally and yet so alike naturally!

If this experience seems to you worth, contact our association. A local experienced travel agency is in charge of the logistic part.

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